- KDS is a multi gaming community lead by the KDS High Command.
- We refer to our fellow members as keepers.
- Games we play are called Chapters
- A Chapter can be lead by any KDS members that show interest into doing so and receive the green light from the KDS High Command.
0.01: Rules of Behaviour apply at all times in all situations, unless otherwise noted. Appropriate offence level will be listed by every rule. The rules are subject to change, violations of the rules will lead to strikes and ultimately court-martial and possible expulsion from KDS. Upon receiving a 3rd strike within six months a member will lose his status as a Keeper and thus his KDS membership. The primary rule at all times is to have fun, don't take the game too seriously.
0.02: A Court Martial is held when a Keeper faces several strikes or has performed a severe act against the interests of KDS. The Court Martial consists of Game Chapter Officers and/or members of the High Command. Before any strike is given evidence (screenshots, records, movies) will be examined and action taken accordingly. A strike can be appealed by the Keepers in question by requesting a Court Martial.
0.03: Keepers will not use derogatory or slanderous language, nor will a Keeper make comments about race, gender, religion, sexual preference, or creed. A true Keeper respects all other Keepers regardless of rank.
Mutual respect is a founding stone of KDS.
0.04: Taunting of other players in a competitive/fun manner is allowed. However the line is drawn at harassment of other players. The KDS standard in combat or in hostile situations is to fight with honour and dignity, silent killing is encouraged. The semi-role-play style of our military operations is intended for the public forums and for the fun of the community.
0.05: We use a light RP system where Keepers are recommended to address each other by their respective rank in all public and guild channels. If you are not sure about the actual rank of a Keeper then the use of Sir is suitable. It is acceptable to not use this light RP system.
0.06: All Keepers shall follow orders given from a superior officer who has command and the right to issue the specific order.
0.07: The use of cheats and exploits are considered dishonorable. This includes but is not limited to the use of "cheat codes", hacks, trainers, bots or any other method deemed cheating or an exploit by the developers of the game or by the High Command. Keepers caught purchasing in game currency, where the game publisher does not legally allow such transactions, are subject to receive one strike.
0.08: While in public and representing KDS, Keepers are expected to act with honor, dignity and show respect for other players. Actions of a Keeper reflect upon KDS a whole
0.09: Conflicts with Keepers and allies should be handled privately. Posting grievances in public is not allowed. If a Keeper has a severe problem with something that is going on in KDS, they can bring this to an officer; remember officers are here to serve.
0.10: Trolling, spamming or flaming will not be tolerated on the KDS forums or any public forums as a Keeper. Links to websites or images containing cheats, vulgar material, pornography and other material that is deemed unsuitable by the High Command, or illegal by the Country in which our website is hosted is forbidden. We reserve the right to notify the proper authorities if a member violates the Community Standard, End User License Agreement, or the Terms of Service as defined by the Game publisher.
0.11: Keepers will assist each other as well as all allies and neutral civilians when possible.
0.12: If a member commits an act of Treason against KDS they shall face Court Martial or immediate expulsion from KDS. Treason is defined as aiding an enemy of KDS or attempting to disrupt the well-being/unity of KDS. Immediate expulsion can be carried away only by a HC member or Game Chapter Co/Xo.
0.13: Upon entering the game Keepers will be online on the designated Voice Communications or VoiceComms
0.14: When a Call to Arms (CTA) is issued all online Keepers are expected to report to the CTA caller and follow orders until the CTA is called off or they need to log off. The CTA system is not to be abused. Only an officer of the rank of Major and above or the chapters Guild Leader can issue a CTA, unless special permission has been granted by the High Command or Game Chapter Leadership..
1.01: Membership in KDS is a privilege, not a right!
A member, recruit, or applicant can be denied membership by the KDS High Command for any reason.
1.02: KDS does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual preference, nationality, or creed.
1.03: Membership in KDS is obtained through a process designed to make sure that the applicant meets the needs, requirements, and desires of KDS for its members, and that KDS meets the needs, and desires of the applicant. An Applicant may have their application terminated at any time.
1.04: The application process can be found in the how-to-join channel.
1.05: Usually after successful completion of a probationary period, an applicant will become a full member of KDS and will choose their squad, if the squad system is enabled in that specific chapter.
1.06: Squad Transfers: A member may request to be transferred to a different unit/corp. Transfers are subject to approval by the Chapter Officers.
1.07: Selecting a Corps: There are two Corps in KDS , the Army Corps and the Civil Corps.
The Army Corps is our organized Legion of combatants, and will mainly focus on PvP.
The Civil Corps is our crafting unit, they're goal is to assist the Military and also to establish our economic domination of various markets.
A member can join one of them or both if they want to dedicate time to both.
1.08: Sometimes, in certain competitive games, Keepers will not be allowed to become members of other guilds on the same server as KDS without approval by the Chapter Officers. This rule only applies, if a special announcement is made by the Chapter Leadership in the appropriate chapter discord section.
Promotions and Ranks
2.01: Promotion in KDS is based on merit, not on seniority. Those who deserve a promotion and meet the qualifications for a leadership position will receive a promotion as long as there is an available position open. The best way to receive a promotion is to show initiative, good judgement and uphold the CoC. If an officer is not fulfilling his obligations he will be asked to step down or receive a reduction in rank, this is not meant as a punishment, this is meant to make sure that KDS continues to function efficiently and to keep dedicated Keepers in positions of leadership.
2.02: Promotions are handled within the structure of each Corps, a Civilian leader cannot promote a military member, a military leader cannot promote a civilian Keeper. Promotions within a unit will be handled by the unit’s commander within the limits of his mandate. Promotions must also follow the guidelines set forth by the Corps Commander. Ultimately all promotions are subject to the approval by the Chapter Leadership.
2.03: Rank and their use in KDS:
Recruit - A new member in the probation period.
Private Second Class - A full member.
Private First Class - A member either promoted in current game or this member has been with KDS in one previous game.
Corporal - Honorary Rank. This member has been with KDS in at least 2 previous games or had the role of officer in a previous game.
Sergeant, Second Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Captain - Commissioned ranks. They come with a job.
Major - A Chapter Leader that is not in the KDS High Command.
Colonel and General - KDS High Command members.
High Command Regulations
3.01: Membership in KDS High Command is granted by unanimity of votes of current active High Command members.
3.02: KDS High Command is also a meritocracy so in order to retain that position a member needs to be active as an officer in a game over the last year or in the last active game.
3.03: A previous High Command member can retake their position if they become active again and the current High Command deems so.
3.04: Leaders of the last active game(s), with at least 50 members, that are High Command members will have final say in High Command matters.
Principles of Squads
4.01:Guild is always first.
4.02: Play inclusively (with others as well) – but focus on your squad first.
4.03: Primary Focus: Well-being of your Squad – Fun for your members.
4.04: Secondary Focus: Help other squads.
4.05: Communication lines will be KDS Discord and TS.
4.06: Whatever you are building within your squad makes sure you also build a composition for Large scale PvP where it applies.